[1] is an analysis suite for the classification and analysis of viral RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase (RdRP) input sequences, based on the palmprint barcoding sub-sequence [2].
Input sequence are cross-referenced to 145,000 species-level RdRP-palmprints in palmDB
(clustered at 90% aa-identity) [3]. Each palmDB match is then cross-referenced to 5.7 million public sequencing libraries in the Sequence Read Archive to retrieve sample meta-data.
[2] Ribovirus classification by a polymerase barcode sequence. Babaian and Edgar, 2022.
[3] Petabase-scale sequence alignment catalyses viral discovery. Edgar et al, 2022.
Sequence, in FASTA format (bug: only aa-sequence supported)
Parsed FASTA:
hash: 3xample